Petit Computer Wiki
Petit Computer Wiki

JustChillenOwner JustChillenOwner 26 July 2014

My Petit Computer Chat Room.

Well from me being gone for awile I didnt realize the Petit Computer Wiki chat page was discontinued. So I was like "OMG this suckz! Now where do I go to be stupid and ask people questions on when im stuck or just to chill with!" sooooooo I made my own little PetitComputerWiki chatroom. So you can chat on it with other members on the wiki. (That is IF you want to use it I mean ill be on it for most parts but you guys can use it too!) The PetitComputerChat room I made there is so spam kicking or banning or all that crap people arued about with. It is a simple chat and admins are ONLY CHOSEN BY CHOICE! There isent no sign up sheet or anything like that it is a by choice issue to advoid anyone who would "miss use" the admin ability. So I will…

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