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Petit Computer Wiki

J8B J8B 22 January 2017

J8B's Virtual Bébête, Work in progress

Hi, it's J8B,

I'm working on a project called "Virtual Bébête" for Petit Computer.
The principle of the game is a sort of a virtual pet/sim's life, so it will be very long to finish.
A lot of mini games are planned to win money or study or find love...
There are 9 places to visit that have each 4 rooms.
For the moment, i made all the moves in the different places, you can pee, take a bath, play two card's games at home(one of them is poker), you can go to the casino and play a sort of craps, roulette and poker(same at home) and bet money.
Actually, i work on the first job of the casino, which consists of interrogating 3 suspects to find the one who cheated at the games.

For fun, i draw this cover:

For screenshoots: click here
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