Hey guys! Today's update in THOLITU is the addition of an essential command, goto. Now, more advanced people in programming (like C/C++ programmers) know that goto and labels and such SUCK, but I'm not gonna add WHILE in THOLITU. Anyway, here's how gotos and labels work. Here's a goto statement:
and here's a label:
So, yea. I ran a program that tests how fast the language's average speed is. Here's the code:
The SmileBASIC equilavent is:
?V 'or PRINT V
THOLITU gets about 90-100 loops per second! Pretty fast for such a complex interpreted language!
Minecraft DS Beta 1.8 is almost done! I'm working out the last few glitches and preparing for release! I will post the changelog later (maybe tomorrow's blog post).
That's all for today!