Petit Computer Wiki
Petit Computer Wiki

IAmAPersson IAmAPersson 23 May 2014

If You Are Reading This, Well...


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IAmAPersson IAmAPersson 15 February 2014

Why Javascript Sucks

Why Javascript Sucks
From a programmer's perspective

Ok. So I'm a C# programmer. I've worked in C#, a small bit of C++, I used to work in VisualBasic, and occasionally use BASIC. Then I thought, "Javascript is popular. Let's learn it!" So I did. I immediately hated it. I'll explain in this article.

First off, syntax is really weird. Say for example I wanted to see if 'myString' was "Potato". Here's how I'd do it:

if (myString === "Potato") { }

Why the flipping ===? Pointless. Javascript uses === and !== for basic comparison operators. In VB, they kept it simple, with a simple '=' to compare stuff. C/++/# etc. use '=='. As far as I know, '==' does nothing in Javascript. I have a saying. With syntax, KISS: Keep it simple, stupid. And indeed, the …

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IAmAPersson IAmAPersson 11 November 2013

THOLITU tutorial 2

THOLITU tutorial number two, input. An essential command. While output is indicated by -. Before I show you this, you need to know a couple things:

$ indicates a string. Usually, the letter/number/character after it is the actual string. For example, $A means "string A". That whole "string phrase" will be highlighted blue. If the character/number/letter after it does not represent the string, it will NOT be highlighted blue.

* indicates a variable. Usually, the letter/number/character after it is the actual variable. For example, *A means "variable A". That whole "variable phrase" will be highlighted blue. If the character/number/letter after it does not represent the variable, it will NOT be highlighted blue.

So now that we know that, to input …

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IAmAPersson IAmAPersson 10 November 2013

THOLITU tutorial 1

Hey guys, Persson here. Today I'm showing you THOLITU tutorial number one. Yay! First off, this uses the same basic engine as SimpleC, so the saving/loading/editing controls are all the same. Anyway, a PRINT command. In C:



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IAmAPersson IAmAPersson 9 November 2013

THOLITU tomorrow, without FOR

Hey guys. Persson here. As you know, I have been having problems with the THOLITU interpreter, but I will try to release it tomorrow nevertheless. Then we can start on THOLITU tutorials! (Have fun keeping up!)

Another thing. I highly doubt any of you will want this, but I have recreated the "lost version" of Minecraft DS, PreAlpha 1.5. It was the first version I worked on. You can view what all was included in that update on the Minecraft DS page. I don't know what happened to it originally. But yea!

That's it for today!

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