Here is a screenshot of the currently unreleased version of the zelda map editor.
Yes I began making this editor overnight.
Yes I had a base to do it already.
No it isn't complete.
Yes it looks nice.
Yes you wish you made it.
Yes it will work for other projects in the future.
LEFT: Bottom screen of editor.
Right: Top Screen of editor.
The tileset is the first tileset I've imported it's the same one used in the test engine.
Yes there's a glitch in the bottom screen with the grid drawing. I'll be fixing it kind of.
The engine as I develop it will be documented. Keep looking. The full version of the editor and an early version of the new engine will be available for download soon.
Planned features.
- Edit Chest Items
- Create House entrances/exits
- Switch between large maps in order to edit a wider variety of game content
- Place enemies
- Change enemy traits: walk speed, amount of hits, pallete used.
- Save all data as GRPS
- Change what song plays at different screens.
- Set Default music
- Set default start point
- Edit NPC text
- Use ALL tileset memory for map
- Enable tileset switching for houses/dungeons/overworld
- Set up warp points (warp point A goes to point A on alternate map)
- Play game while editing (hopefully the data will be consistent)
- Edit Save file data (debug only! Cheaters are lame ! )
And yes, all these features will be added over time.
I know this seems overly ambitious but most of these things are fairly easy to implement as it is. (it's just a matter of writing the data to a grp then setting up alot of if statements to handle that data)
Maps are 255 by 255 tiles! They COULD be larger but this would require longer load times and for now it's already a while to load one overworld map (I hope I can fit atleast two main house maps into memory as well)
if not certain houses will be defined by data statements, not editable, and drawn differently.
UPDATEFULL routine using discostew's methods seem to work fast enough that I don't lose alot of time from drawing onto the BG layer and then re drawing properly.
Will find a solution soon most likey going to use several hybrid map saving methods for different types of maps. Not all of those will be editible in this editor. But I'm hoping for most
The sky is the limit. Mods of this game engine will be accepted. (like making a survival game based on the contents of these packages)
This is going to be a huge tool set. I hope you're all excited I've finally gotten past some map limitations :D