Petit Computer Wiki
Petit Computer Wiki

Dr. Satl, M.D. Dr. Satl, M.D. 21 January 2014

A Quick Poll

Well, to make a long story short, once Petit Computer 3D comes out, I will devote more of my time to programming Petit Computer games. For now, I would like a general idea of what to create. I just wanted to make this to see what would be most popular. Thank you.

I have had a lot of ideas for a unique Zelda, I would love a Fire Emblem game on Petit Computer, I am a huge Doctor Who fan, and I wouldn't mind making a game independent of all of these previous ones. Either way, I just rather wanted to see what everyone would want. Thanks, guys. I'm out.

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Dr. Satl, M.D. Dr. Satl, M.D. 28 September 2013

Petit Computer 3 Update? says it all. Is this legit? Or is it a troll? Regardless, this person has summed up all the things I want in Petit Computer 3, minus the removal of the SEND/RECFILE garbage. Anyways, what do you think? Have any suggesstions for Petit Computer 3? I would love online multiplayer capability, but that is highly unlikely, of course, with non-kid friendly content and garbage like that. Feel free to post below.

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Dr. Satl, M.D. Dr. Satl, M.D. 17 September 2013

Message for Admins

I think we need some CMs. All I will give as evidence is this.

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Dr. Satl, M.D. Dr. Satl, M.D. 6 August 2013

Game Review 1 - Petit Tunnel

  • 1 Petit Tunnel Review
  • 2 Overall Rating
  • 3 Controls
  • 4 Playability
  • 5 Fighting and Monsters
  • 6 Building
  • 7 Bugs
  • 8 Saving Progress
  • 9 Petit Tunnel - The Verdict

This is my review of the game Petit Tunnel, the English version. Thank you for reading. To read the short version, read the comment below.


The controls of Petit Tunnel are actually very good. Very fluid motions, and not incredibly awkward. 10/10 for this.

This is where I must remove some points for Petit Tunnel. Though it looks fun, as it could be referred to as a Terraria clone, very quickly, it begins to become boring. It turns into the same killing, the same chopping, etc. Worse, when you are using the pickaxe, the sword animation is used. There does not appear to be an incentive for playing, and I fee…

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Dr. Satl, M.D. Dr. Satl, M.D. 6 August 2013

Must Play PTC Games

All right, title says it all. This is a compilation of those Petit Computer games that are "must plays." Ones that you just HAVE to share. Please feel free to add some to the list. I may add links to the games and descriptions of them later, but for now, go find them yourself. :P Please note that if I do not add your game, it may be that I have not played it.

OK, here goes.

Petit Farm.

Village (Probably my favorite PTC game so far, it is too addictive.)

Petit Slash 2.

Petit Tunnel.

Petit Smash Bros (Early in production, but looks promising.)

Megaman 2 PTC sounds decent.

Pokemon for Petit Computer.


Also, I have been impressed with the progress of Raycraft, and I hope to see more from that.

I know I have missed quite a few great ones, but I a…

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