Petit Computer Wiki
Petit Computer Wiki

Recently over spring break i made a new operating system focs 3 , their where two reasons i made focs 3 1 i was bored 2 i wanted to inprove on focs 2 .When i first conceved focs  i wanted it to be a nice graphical interface like windows and lynux i wanted to make it easy for a starting petit user , focs 1.0 did not achieve this it had a square shaped coursor and the icon(not icons) was very hard to click becuse of this i set a side focs untill a latter date .About five months latter when i was working on focs 2 i made sure it had a better coursor and more icons (more than one atlest) when i finished focs 2 i was satisfied with my work it worked decently and was highly useable i then let that os go . When it finaly came around to focs 3 i knew i wasnted a start menu of some sort so thats what i made a start menu and a pop up menu on the left i then added docs next run then web along with games ,i did not add the comand prompt and texter untill about 2 days latter and even to this day all of the documents i have made could be loaded acrost all platforms including some of which i soon deleted.

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focs loco