Ever since I joined I this I have made my own personal rating of how I vote other games
The rating thingy:
⭐=what is this sorcery?!?!!?
⭐⭐= ether this guy is part of the illumanti or he's a noon
⭐⭐⭐=Pretty much a good game (or the idea is) or its buggy or dosent do much like it was supposed too
⭐⭐⭐⭐=its a good game but its got a couple of major or minor bugs or it might turn out to be repetitive (excluding apps)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐= an angel from heaven that was turned into a game or app
And yes, I found a bannana on the side of the road and now its a good friend of mine 🍌⬅my pet bannana
Today I made a new friends with a chicken 🐔⬅my Co-worker chicken