SmokedSausageFTW stripped of admin powers... but for what?
OK, apparently, SmokedSausageFTW is being called a "bad admin", and is not being told why. No-one will tell him, so I'm trying to find out. Give me one good reason in the comment section below, and I will leave the wiki, and never return.
Bye-bye chat... well, for now.
I'm not going to be getting on the chat for a while, at-least until the "hard reset" thing starts to boil down.
So, yeah... also, BrianXP7, I hope you get infinibanned jk lol
Hello, all! As most of you know, I am currently working on a GTA (Grand Theft Auto) clone game for PTC. I suck with sprites and I have no skills in making music in BASIC, so I was ondering if there would be any volunteers. If not, don't worry, your name will still be added to the credits :)
Here is the sprite for the main character (and possibly NPC):
Norton and PTC Jailbreak.
Two of the programs I have added, those being ArticOS and Norton have not been tested by me and are not affiliated with nunu © and are projects of user articbliz who is currently affiliated with BuGgErHAX, Ltd. Please report any misleading titles or descriptions in the comment section and I will have them fixed immediately.
3DS Hacking
Hello World! My name is Jaimin Orrand a.k.a. JaiminBug8. I manage an iPhone dev-team called BuGgErHAX and work for Team Twiizers, and currently, I have been successful on running unsigned code on the 3DS.
articbliz has helped and guided me through CXI generation and I have used this knowledge to create homebrew apps for the 3DS that can even be ran in 3DS mode!
If you would like to help, please contact me at