Boot blog 8
Bad news. my ds broke. So, in about a month ill have a 3ds(xl), but i just wanted to let you guys know i havnt stopped programming even though im almost never on the wiki. im currently working on a computer dungeon crawler, only using basic, because my friend thinks i cant. All i have right now is a very buggy, completely broken text- only frame. Ive been working on it for about 2 days, and im almost ready for the gui/sprites. i plan to make a petit computer port after its done. Any ways, i took a little while and make a .exe file of it, alpha 0.0.1, and ill post it below.
Ps- im making a youtube(For like the fifth time...) and ill edit in a link tommorow. Its all tech and stuff like that.
pss- the game is a folder, run the file called idi…
Boot blog 7
Hello and im break after a very long break! Ive been practicing with sprites alot and have gotten good, but- i have sadly no entention of making a game for the time being. But i will be 13 very soon and i would like to try and be an admin once i am.i got a ps vita for christmas and im trieing to get some king of programming soft ware on it. any way, im back!
Boot blog 6
Hey guys! thanks giving break is coming up and i started a secret game for the past week (:. ive secretly been working on a mcds 2d and it curently haz:
25 blocks
2 layers
a really cool man menu
a creeper w/ ai
a sprite sheet
version history
data box
a pet wolf
creative only
really cool backround
day night cycle
thanks for reading and if someone could make some QRs i would be very thankful -.-
if u can make some QRs just comment and ill email or upload the PRG and CHR and GRPs
Boot Blog 5
Hey guys! i have a three day weekend so im going to try to make a game or part of a game. yesterday i was boared so i made some sprites... Boot Bros. 2 sprites. i dont know if this ill be a game but i have a sheet of sprites with veterans and new characters. I was also thinking of a sidescrolling Boot bros. mario type game with boxman as main character. I also noticed a while ago i made 3 sprite sheets of MC sprites and might make a 2d minecraft game using those... i ALSO noiced that a week or 2 ago i was making a really cool os that i never finished.... i just want to say that u guys can expect a new game from me. im going to upload a boot blog everyday of this weekend too.
Boot blog 4
So school is getting harder... and thats why i havnt been posting much. any way, again with school i havnet been able to work on it /: so im trying to work on it a little tonight. but if im not on, its bc shool is in my way. anyway, the last thing i did was add a cutscene and some diaolog. i aslo fixed some bugs i found. right now u can:
talk to your daughter
watch a cutscene
talk to your daughter
after that you can use your flashlight
the battery can drain from your light. replenish it with y. for now
only one, the phone isnt working. i cant figure out why but i can probably fix it.