Petit Computer Wiki
Petit Computer Wiki

102.624.3527l 102.624.3527l 1 May 2015


So, I downloaded an interpreter for the programming language "Brainf_ck", but i didn't understand it... at all. So, I decided to make my own programming language, but, now that i think of it... is just kind of like a secret code. Basically, I plan to use + to add one unit to the space, - to add 5 units to a space, = to add 10 units to a space, and ! to go to the next space. Each space represents one character.

The character in the space is determined by the number of units in a space. It works like:

  • 1-10 represents a number 1 through 10 respectively
  • 11-36 represents a letter from a to z, a being 11 and 36 being z
  • 37-40 represents punctuation: 37=[space] 38=. 39=! 40=?

So "HELLO WORLD!" would be displayed like:


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