Petit Computer Wiki
Petit Computer Wiki


3DS is broken. I got a new one but I still have to call Nintendo to get my data back. Until then, no updates will be made.[]

Survival (Bombfresh))
Survival screen

General Info
Genre(s): Genre(s) (Action, Adventure), Games
Contributor(s): Contributor(s) (Bombfresh
Release Date: Release Date} (July 15, 2015)
Development Status: Current Development Status: Planning the MODS section to be available in version 1.3. May add allies in version 1.2.
Version: Version 1.0.75
Size: [PRG-29844] [CHR-8204] (Bytes, we believe...)
Mode(s): Game Modes} The only mode... Survival mode.
Language(s): Language} English

The biggest number is 524287.

Play this game of Survival where you, as seemingly the last survivor, have to fight and survive as long as possible against an endless amount of enemies.



The game pretty much tells you everything exept battling. Use the touch screen for battling.

Survival Ranks (NEW!)[]

Not added yet (Sorry)


Version 0.4[]

  • Soooo many battle glitches, shop incorrectly generated, and no potions.

Version 0.8[]

  • Bosses are really rare, like diamonds, shop was done but had a few bugs. Enemies gained stronger REALLY fast, and at round 5, they did <10 damage. Poop glitch (Brown slime, not kidding)

Version 1.0[]

  • Initial Release. Very few, rare, battle glitches, bosses are not really rare, and no shop bugs. Potion and Food option finished. Enemies are still OP, but only at about round 18 and higher. Also, a secret added (Don't ask, please)

Version 1.0.5[]

Modified secret. Saving works now, and less bugs. May add a Bug detecter in the game later on. 2 More enemies.

Future Plans[]

Title picture will be changed [Doesn't look too appealing right now]

For version-categorized changes planned for the near future, Look below.

Version 1.0.75[]

Store will no longer be just a HUD.

A few stuff worth modifying, and I might take (Anonymous)'s idea of spells and status effects.

- And some other random crap (I dunno yet, man!)

Version 1.1[]

Allies may be added. Less battle glitches. Another secret (Don't ask, please) will be added.

Version 1.2[]

More stuff to choose from in the shop, less battle glitches. Another secret :3 (Don't ask, please)

Version 1.3[]

No battle glitches, A FINAL BOSS may be added.


Survival VER 1

Survival 1.0.5 PRG.

Survival VER 1

The BGF file (VERY important)


"No license applied as of now. But please... do not plagerise."


There is still bugs, but few of them.

This game currently is not under development due to me having to get a new 3ds and having to call Nintendo to get my data back. Until then, please remein patient.


Bombfresh (Yup, only us...)
