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Petit Computer Wiki


Indications are, RND in SmileBasic V1 is identical to that in V2.


Where A is a positive integer, RND(A) will return a random integer between 0 and A-1 inclusive. (In particular, RND(1) will always return 0.)

RND(0) will always return 0.

Where A is a negative integer, RND(A) will return a random integer between 0 and A+1 inclusive. (In particular, RND(-1) will always return 0.)

Where A is not an integer, it gets rounded down, then one of the rules above applies. (In particular, RND(-524287.99999) does not generate an overflow error. So, it is possible to get -524287 as a result, but it is not possible to get 524287.)

RND() generates Syntax error (RND).

RND("0") generates Type Mismatch (RND).

RND(2,6), oddly enough, generates Missing operand (RND).


Indications are, RND in SmileBasic V3 is identical to that in V2.
