Adding zero to any numerical value is a null operation. Once the system has a value, there is absolutely no reason there should be a problem with adding zero, or multiplying by one. The following is an excerpt of the output in Run Mode:
OK X=-(-524287-4095/4096) OK ?X 524288 OK ?X+0 Overflow (?) OK ?X-0 Overflow (?) OK ?X*1 Overflow (?) OK ?X/1 Overflow (?) OK ?0+X Overflow (?) OK ?1*X Overflow (?) OK ?POW(X,1) Overflow (POW) OK
(For the record, this is the fourth bug I have found in PTC V2: -0 (Numerical Value) (a built-in function like SIN should not hang the system), 0.999995 (Numerical Value) (the literal 0.999995 represents a value greater than that represented by the literal 0.999994), and APPEND (Command) (the user should have some way to know if a file operation has failed to complete successfully).)