If you're still lurking here, I'd recommend you check out the NEW SmileBASIC Source!
It covers SmileBASIC on 3DS, Wii U, and now Switch!
See you there!
What's on your mind?
If you're still lurking here, I'd recommend you check out the NEW SmileBASIC Source!
It covers SmileBASIC on 3DS, Wii U, and now Switch!
See you there!
Due to the partnership ship of Gamebridge down & fail to release PTC3, There are no Petit Computer brands on éshop; & a rumor that PTC3 will use the QR code feature. Thx for support. Sorry.
Recently I was talking to this online friend of mine about my work with my upcoming action RPG "Grow RPG" and hyping him up for it, he then asked me if he could work on the graphics I immidiately agreed and told him to download petit computer off the eshop but to our surprise it wasn't there.I tried searching for it myself and low and behold I did not find it in its usual spot in the app section, we are both in the US with US based consoles so I know this isn't the european eshop but now that the game is gone I kinda have mixed feelings about this, like I am happy because this means smileboom or whatever PTC3 is called is getting close to it's release date but I am also kinda frustrated because porting my game is going to be a real hassle, (unless a certain lovable developer makes a game porting webpage developement tool (looking at you online editor creator)) , but anyways what do you guys think about this? I didn't see anyone on the community notice this so I decided to make this post...
computer/1/games Link to nintendo eshop "petit computer" search with no results...
As some people have already seen, the English Petit Computer site has been taken down (the Japanese one, with the QR Converter is still up). I can't remember if it was the Smileboom president who said it, but the reason is because the contract with Gamebridge ended (same with Petit Computer being taken off the eShop). Because they only needed Gamebridge as a Western publisher, it only affects the English site and distribution.
And no, you can't texture polygons, read from the SD card, publish adult content to the server (at least, you're supposed to report it so it can get taken down), or perform online communications between programs in PTC3/SmileBASIC 3.1. Those changing in 3.2 is doubtful.
There was a notification in the European 3DS eShop yesterday that Petit Computer would be pulled on the 30th of January. This has been done previously when developers want customers to buy in on their new, often 3DS-specific, versions. So this might mean that PetiCom for 3DS isn't far away :)
My OS is going be to be simple, Im adding many really nice features like algebra calculator, extra access to my games such as editable variables to have when you begin, customizable sprites, changeable backgrounds and more, so you dont feel like a cheater when you have $500,000 when you start the game! And if i feel like people really enjoy my OS then I might even add a value changer to every app, possibly without having to repeatedly typing in the same variables over and over, so you can just right click it (L button) and go to properties>add or edit variables. The whole reason my game's updates are less frequent is because people dont comment on them, saying what they think or think what i should add and stuff like that so please Click here to support and say I believe in you, especially that its the weekend i might stay up all night just making updates :D
I added a feature to the homepage that displays programs, hopefully good ones. This is in an effort to promote less popular content, as the category pages seem to like to show popular stuff.
If you have any issues with it or see an... unsavory result, contact me on my wall, and I'll see what I can do about it. If you want to keep it confidential for whatever reason *Ahem*, you can try to catch me in http://triforceofkirby.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Chat.
Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions here.
I found an official download to the font that is used in PTC on SmileBoom's Website:
I made the background animated, tell me what you guys think
AKA the Summer "Friendly"
Challenge: You must work in two to three person groups. Partnership discussions may take place on this thread, but please, no fighting about someone "already being taken".
Goal: Make any type of program, yeah, that's right, ANYTHING by June 21
That's it. Maybe there's one more, but that's it.
Judging categories:
A team of cool people will meet and discuss the winners.
Confirmed rewards:
6 digit petitcoins first place prize
5 digit petitcoins second place prize
4 digit petitcoins third, fourth, and fifth place prizes.
(To be split up between the team members) Club Nintendo code(s)
Important dates:
May 17 - Sign up start date
June 4 - Progress report
June 21 - Submissions start
June 23 - Submissions end, voting begins
More details as they come, I know this isn't very detailed yet.
Sign up on this thread if you could donate some prizes to a contest.
I have started making my own bot, it's gonna have commands for grinding the PTC Wikia Bot and Restocking coins automatically, also admins can disable:
I might add other stuff that's useful for other people too.
Hey admins. I just found out why the bot doesn't respond sometimes. This is particularly bad when people report, and it doesn't tell them if the report has gone through. Apparently certain user actions can "lock up" the bot, and there's really nothing I can do about it other than to reset it. So, there's a new admin command:
Please use the command sparingly, as a bot reset will reset any RPG battles and mazes currently in action, AND it might put some people's RPG stats back a few minutes (or more). Anyway, if you see people trying to use bot directives, play the RPG, or report and nothing is showing up, PLEASE run this command. It's not just so that people can start playing again; the MOST important thing is the reporting system, and ANY of the symptoms I described indicate that the bot needs a reset. The bot has always automatically reset itself if no messages are said for a 5 minute period, but obviously this doesn't fix the problem of no bot responses when there are people in the chat.
This command only works when the bot is actually in the chat. If the bot is gone, it will come back soon.
April 20 2014,Smileboom announced.
In Japan,Petit Computer mk3(Japanese:"Petitcom 3go"[putSikon san-gou]) is release in July.
This release in except Japan is unknown,now.
I have contacted wikia and they have allowed us to now upload PTC file types(.PTC,.MEM,.GRP,.CHR,.SCU,.COL) to our wiki.
Upload Files here: Special:Upload
OK, when you report, it now sends me an email. This means that I WILL ban for false reports. I don't even care if you're messing around, I don't need piles of emails just for the lols. Also, this means that I should show up relatively soon instead of hours later (unless I'm sleeping). So please, don't abuse the reports, but feel free to use them if you need to "summon" me (but don't report me, report the person who's causing trouble).
I've added a few new things to the logger. First, you can now link to a specific message on the logs. To get the special URL for a message, just click on the username next to the message in question and it'll pop up in a new window. It might be better to start a bit before the message you want to show, as that message will be on the very top. Here's an example: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4753340/PTC%20Wikia%20Chat%20Logs/2014/4/9.html#774523820. The top message should be Pixel saying "THAT IS DISGUSTING".
With this new feature, hopefully it'll be easier to link to exactly what you want in the logs. Just note that this only applies to messages made since today; older messages in the logs won't do this.
The next big thing is the reporting system. The admins have discussed ways to make the chat a little less crazy, and we've decided to go with a reporting system. You are able to report 2 times a day, and you submit your reports directly to the bot just like bot directives (this means typing a message like you always do). If you were to report me, it would look like:
/report Randomouscrap98
If you want to provide a reason, just state the reason in a separate message just before/after the report message. The reports will be collected and displayed on a webpage which is publicly viewable (although I won't link it right now). The reports will be ordered based on those with the highest report count, so those of you who have been really bad will be right at the top when I check it. I'll be able to see exactly who reported you, when they did so, and I'll get a link to the report message in the logs. This allows me to check to make sure you're not reporting someone for no good reason.
PLEASE NOTE: I will NOT tolerate random reports or reports made just because you don't like someone. If I see that you have placed a report for no good reason, YOU will be banned instead. Also note that since you only get 2 reports per day, don't go "spending" them for silly stuff.
I was on live chat with Brian. We spoke a bit and eventually he decided to let me make a contest. This contest is simple. Make a ridiculous game with no anything except WTF moments.
Write a game with a design emphasis on not knowing WTF is going on, but still enjoing the experience regardless. This contest is here so people can actually enter the contest rather then give up after a week. Even an incomplete game could pass voting and have a shot at winning.
This contest will hopefully increase the communiy's participation in contests and "ENRICH" the PTC game library.
After the end of the time period, the community will vote for the game they enjoyed most. The game with the most votes wins 1st place.
To enter your game into the contest, please add the category "WTF Game Contest" to your page.
Prizes will be distributed to wiiners by May 1, 2014 at the latest
-This contest was approved by BrianXP7
I just made a twitter today... and it's @Nitnendo27BRUH
Starting VERY SOON in CHAT!
"You'll pay for the whole seat but only need THE EDGE!"
30 minute programming challenge!
Come one, come all, BUT NO EXISTING CODE!